~ I'm loving the cooler temperatures (FINALLY).
~ Some of the leaves are starting to fall but several of my flowers are STILL BLOOMING.
~ We've already bought apples and carmel dip and are
enjoying them in the evenings after dinner.
~ Mmmmm... apples are always abundant in Fall...and they smell so delicous.
~ Fall IS just around the corner.
~ My geraniums are doing better now...than they have all year...
click on any photo for closer view
I love geraniums, next year, I will have pink instead of red.
I love how the red color pops out against our yellow house though.
I love the deep vibrant purple of the clematis growing next to our garage,
I have plans next year to build or buy a white lattice trellis
for the clematis to grow on.
Right now, I use a small green fencing.
click on picture to see the butterflies
Yesterday, I went out to get the mail and there were small butterflies all over my live-forevers.
I don't know what they are really called but that is the nickname for them,
they start blooming just about NOW.
I got these starts from my cousin last year.
I love free starts from perenials.
Perenials are maintenance FREE and come back year after year.
I'm getting ready to get several starts of the
"rose of sharon" bushes from the lady who cuts my hair.
They grow in shade or sun. YAY ♥
She has every color you can think of.
I thought it was time to hang my Fall wreath.
So I dusted if off and hung it up.
I had to improvise (with a magnet and chain)
until I can get to the store to buy a new wreath hanger.
(mine broke as I was changing wreaths)
I also changed out my front porch Summer welcome sign to my Fall welcome sign.
I have 3, one for Summer, Fall and Christmas.
I need a few more (don't you think?) (Giggling here).
~ Thanks for stopping by ~
~ Lisa ~
Loving your fall decor! I too have started decorating I even brought my fall decor into work! :)