Yes, today is my Birthday and I turn 51.
This is what 51 looks like on me!
There is so much to embrace about getting older.
Don't get me wrong, there are a few things I could do without.
extra pounds,
hair-coloring every 5 to 6 weeks.
I can say that I am very comfortable
with myself in this 51 year old body.
What is age anyway? Isn't it just the passing of time?
It's our spirit what really counts...
Another year is added, but also another year
of opportunity for growth and experience.
Last year, 2 days before I turn the big 5 0...
I was called into a little room at a BIG
corporation of where I had been employed for 15 years.
I was told I was being "reallocated"
or in other words, LAID OFF.
This huge corporation likes to be able
to say that they have NEVER laid any of their
employees off so they use the word "reallocated" instead,
uhh... same thing!
At first, I felt it was a crisis... oh yes,
that big mid-life crisis had hit!
Yes, turning 50 and being laid off all in the
same weekend was somewhat of a crisis.
I decided however, that it would not be
a mid-life crisis but my mid-life awakening.
I was able to have the whole Summer,
Fall and Winter of 2010 off.
Today, while I was at lunch with my husband,
I received a telephone call and it was a job offer.
It is exactly what I had been looking for
and was hoping and praying to get the offer.
I accepted the offer and start
Orientation on Monday, the 28th.
I am excited of the new career future in front of me.
I have interviewed for a few jobs that
I am so THANKFUL that I didn't get.
They were dead end jobs and I
would of been so bored with them.
At my new job there is so much
room for growth and advancement.
Just like Garth Brooks sings,
"Thank God for unanswered prayers."
Thank you God.... for not answering a few of mine!
So having a birthday makes me stop and reflect
and realize that even though I am turning 51,
(51 sounds ancient but I don't feel ancient)
I still have a lot of things I want to accomplish,
here are a few and in no particular
order ...that I want to accomplish this year.
Make sure the people I love ... know it
Eat healthier
Grow my garden
If I don't love it or need it, get rid of it
Don't compare myself to others
Have more date nights with my husband
Continue to learn to let go of past hurt
Learn to knit and crochet
See my grand-kids more
Read more books
Recycle more
See a musical or two
Spend less time in front of the TV
Exercise consistently
Meet my TRUE friends more often for lunch
Talk to my kids more often
Downsize our home and move to a smaller home
Give my husband at least 2 genuine compliments a day
Catch a bigger fish than my husband
Take a vacation, perhaps to Maine
Listen effectively to others
Drink more water
Remember to "Thank God" daily
These are just a few, my list continues to grow.
I want to share a picture of my birthday gift from my husband.
It was also considered my Valentine's day gift.
It was one of those combo gifts this year.
Here is a picture of it on my pudgy finger
Click on photo for closure view
My husband knows how much I love sapphires.
I had a smaller sapphire ring but
am passing it along to my daughter.
I was so excited and happy
to receive this wonderful gift.
It is a miniature of the Princess Diana
engagement ring that Charles gave to her.
It has now been passed down to
Kate Middleton by Prince William.
I love, love, love my ring.
I love how the blue sparkles in the sun.
~ Thank you for stopping by
and sharing my birthday with me ~
~ Lisa ~